
Notes from the Field: Interview with Cat Howell, Instructional Director, Literary Source (SDG Target 4.6)

by Julia Schecter, AWC London

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SDG Target 4.6

By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy



Literacy Source is a Seattle non-profit organization that provides free basic education to low-income adults in the Seattle, Washington area. The agency reports that 1 in 6 adults in Washington...


Perspectives on Illiteracy (SDG Target 4.6)

by Julia Schecter, AWC London 

There are now “more adults without literacy than there were 50 years ago, meaning that our efforts have not kept pace with population growth.”1 In response, UNESCO has staked out an ambitious goal of eradicating adult illiteracy by 2030. The campaign, announced in its recent UNESCO Strategy for Youth and Adult Literacy 2020-2025,2 is to focus on...


It's a Wrap on Literacy (SDG Target 4.6)

by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA/AIWC Cologne & Education Team Co-Chair

To culminate our focus on literacy, the Education Team was proud to host author Juliet Cutler on World Literacy Day, September 8, to discuss Among the Maasai as part of the Global Issues Book Discussion Series. Juliet’s presentation was poignant yet direct, and it gave all participants a glimpse into the...


Announcing Our 4th Annual Summer Global Read!!


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As part of FAWCO's Global Issues Book Discussion Series, the Education Team is excited to announce Among the Maasai, by Juliet Cutler, as our 4th Annual Global Summer Read! In looking for a book this year, we were hoping to find one that not only spoke to education, but one that might also tie to our new Target Project.


Closing the Gap: How COVID-19 May Be the Catalyst for Change that Higher Education Needs

by Lindsay Nygren, AWC Central ScotlandScreen Shot 2020 06 23 at 2.58.14 PM

Across the globe, countries have responded to COVID-19 as best as they can to limit the spread of infection by closing all non-essential services, including schools at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. While this was done to limit in-person meeting, the sudden shift to online learning has drastically cranked up the gears of the...


Resources for Students and Parents Learning and Teaching from Home, Part 4 of 6: Music & Books

by Adrianne George, AWC Gothenburg, AWC Malmö, AWC Stockholm


Welcome to the 4th installment of valuable resources for you to use at home with your children. NEW THIS WEEK is Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students (PASS) for students with special learning needs; complete textbooks in downloadable form (PDF files) for all core subjects are available. These textbooks are written to help students...

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