
Inspiring Curiosity in STEM: An Interview from the Field (SDG Target 4.5)

by Mary Adams, AWC The Hague

Education team member Mary Adams sat down with Lori Gatmaitan, Director of the SAE Foundation, to discuss her educational programs and opinions about Inspiring Curiosity in STEM. The mission of the SAE Foundation is to increase student achievement and participation in science, technology, engineering and math to build a STEM-fluent workforce. 

What is it about...


Charitable Giving and Gifts for the Holidays with an Education Twist

List curated by the Education Team


Searching for a unique way to express your love or appreciation for someone special this holiday season? Look no further than the list below, which highlights not only The FAWCO Foundation, but also other education-related giving opportunities from around the world. From our homes to yours, the Education Team wishes you peace and...


Book Review: Let It Go

by Hollie Nielsen, AWCC Scotland

Screen Shot 2020 11 22 at 2.00.33 PMThis month, as part of the Education Team’s focus on Equal Access, I read (ok, I listened to) Let It Go by Dame Stephanie Shirley, CH. The book tells her story from being a Kindertransport refugee from Vienna, to an entrepreneur founding a software company in 1962, to her career as a philanthropist and letting...


Reestablishing Women as Pioneers: It’s in Our DNA! (SDG Targets 4.3 & 4.5)

by Devinder Buttar, AWC London

A survey conducted by Microsoft in Europe found that young girls are interested in pursuing STEM subjects at age 11 and then rapidly lose interest in their teens. The innumerable reasons for girls not entering STEM industries range from peer pressure, to a lack of role models and parental support, to a general difficulty in...


Expanding Equity in Education: A COVID-19 Conundrum (SDG Target 4.5)

by Devinder Buttar, AWC London


“Knowledge gives discipline, from discipline comes worthiness, from worthiness, one gets wealth, from wealth one does good deeds, and from that comes joy.” This Sanskrit shloka was written in 200 BCE and holds true today, in that education is all-empowering and pivotal to building sustainable communities. 

Historically, sections of society had deliberately limited access...


Notes from the Field: Equal Access to STEM Fields, Part 2

Contributions solicited by the Education Team

The Education Team’s focus for October and November is Equal Access, which encompasses SDG Targets 4.2 & 4.5. Our November ‟Notes from the Field” focus on the ‟E” and ‟M” of STEM Education: Engineering and Math – traditionally fields where girls and women have been discouraged from entering, thereby denying them equal access to a...

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