ECOSOC Youth Forum

Valia Mitsakis and Emily Lavallee at the ECOSOC Youth Forum in January 2018

Valia and Emily at ECOSOC Youth Forum


“It may be noisy messy and complex in an ever expanding room of stakeholders but I can assure you it is exactly where we are supposed to be” said Salina Abraham, President of the International Forestry Students’ Association about the ECOSOC Youth Forum.

At the Forum...

It is up to us to demand a seat on the table

ECOSOC Youth Forum, January 2018, by Valia Mitsakis

There is one universal truth about youth: we are not included in the decision making processes of our countries or the international community. Thankfully, there have been some steps taken to enhance youth participation; governments have started to include youth in councils and pass legislation to better their lives, and the United...

Now, in every and any way possible, I am ready to engage

ECOSOC Youth Forum, January 2018, by Emily Lavallee 

On the first morning of ECOSOC’s Youth Forum, I arrived early to receive my grounds pass. There were people in various lines in front of the United Nations and across the street. Rush hour, in conjunction with the rush of UN visitors, and Youth Forum attendees, mirrored my own frenzied excitement. However,

Mental Health and the UN

By Sammy Witt

Mental Health is a popular topic among the progressive, post-structuralist left. These people are the ones often times dominating the feminist discourse in the West; this is also true for some parts of the UN. Many of the representatives from other feminist NGOs like talking about how significant the discussion surrounding mental health is. And they’re right!

Louise Arbour and the Secretary General's Report on Global Migration

By Sammy Witt

Last Monday I got to engage in a dialogue between NGO Reps/Civil Society and Louise Arbour. The event, which took place at the Church Center for the UN, a space many NGOs use, was a discussion built around an interview with Louise Arbour.

Louise was the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2004 until 2008. She...

Biomedical Research's Uncomfortable Secret

By Paige Higbie, UN Youth Rep Coordinator 

The United Nations has gotten much savvier about bringing private science and technology partners into the conversation about the Sustainable Development Goals. One of the major venues for this conversation is the Science Technology and Innovation Forum held at UNHQ every year.

An issue people may not be aware of, which I was...


In August 2017, Samuel Witt (son of Susan Stanley-Witt, AWC Hamburg) began his FAWCO UN Youth Rep experience. 

Youth Assembly 2016 Vali and Sammy

From May - August 2017, Paige Higbie was FAWCO's UN Youth Rep in New York. Paige's mother is UN Rep Erica Higbie (FAUSA) and her brother Gavin was FAWCO's first UN Youth Rep. Now enrolled in a Master's program studying international relations in Berlin, Paige serves as FAWCO's UN Youth Rep Coordinator.  

Paige Higbie photo

FAWCO's UN Youth Rep 2015 - 2017 is Vali Mitsakis from AWO Greece. Vali is studying in New York, and as a former Model UN participant, is excited to be a FAWCO UN Youth Rep. 

Valia Mitsaki






In 2014, FAWCO had its first UN Youth Rep, Gavin Higbie, son of Erica Higbie (FAUSA), FAWCO UN Rep in New York and former Chair of the Human Rights Team. In August 2014, Gavin attended the Summer 2014 Youth Assembly at UN headquarters in New York City. He also attended the Winter 2014 Youth Assembly, and posted blogs about his experiences.

Gavin Higbie 2

Gavin Higbie, FAWCO UN Youth Rep 


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