Contemplations on webinars and water mapping

By Sammy Witt

August 21, 2017

So this week I didn’t actually get to attend an event on UN grounds. It seems that the NGO posse has completely gone off on vacation. I can’t criticize them though, because I think we all should take way more vacation than we do at the moment. So instead of attending an actual, physical meeting,

Mingling with the next generation of ambassadors

By Sammy Witt

August 14, 2017

This week I attended the Youth Assembly at the United Nations. Having participated in the Assembly last year, I knew what to expect. The audience is made up of entrepreneurs, NGO Reps and a whole bunch of late high school students and college kids who want to discover what the backstage of world politics looks...

Introducing the new UN Youth Rep

August 7, 2017

Sammy Witt - New FAWCO UN Youth Rep

As many of you probably already know, there are different women representing FAWCO at the United Nations in New York City and assorted cities in Europe. Aditionally, there are also UN Youth Reps, who do not necessarely need to be female, just FAWCO affilliated. I, Samuel Witt, am the new FAWCO UN...

Summer 2014 Youth Assembly Day 3

By Gavin Higbie

Day three of the International Youth Assembly has unfortunately come and gone. However, it was, of course, an incredible day. Just like the two that came before it. Our day began with a presentation by the young and extremely talented Jake Schwarz, CEO and founder of General Assembly. He explained his background and the rather precarious and...

Summer 2014 Youth Assembly Day 2

After eight hours at the United Nations day two of the International Youth Assembly has come to an end, and apparently the inspiration will continue to be unrelenting. From the opening minutes to the end of the day, the program presented us the delegates with engaging speakers who were not only experts in their fields but also demonstrated a clear...

Summer 2014 Youth Assembly Day 1 Afternoon

Our afternoon session was a lot more hands on. After lunch, there were a variety of workshops that could be chosen by the delegates. One particular workshop caught my attention. It focused on the Post-2015 Development Goals. For those of you who don’t know, the Post-2015 Development Goals are an initiative currently being negotiated by the United Nations that target...


In August 2017, Samuel Witt (son of Susan Stanley-Witt, AWC Hamburg) began his FAWCO UN Youth Rep experience. 

Youth Assembly 2016 Vali and Sammy

From May - August 2017, Paige Higbie was FAWCO's UN Youth Rep in New York. Paige's mother is UN Rep Erica Higbie (FAUSA) and her brother Gavin was FAWCO's first UN Youth Rep. Now enrolled in a Master's program studying international relations in Berlin, Paige serves as FAWCO's UN Youth Rep Coordinator.  

Paige Higbie photo

FAWCO's UN Youth Rep 2015 - 2017 is Vali Mitsakis from AWO Greece. Vali is studying in New York, and as a former Model UN participant, is excited to be a FAWCO UN Youth Rep. 

Valia Mitsaki






In 2014, FAWCO had its first UN Youth Rep, Gavin Higbie, son of Erica Higbie (FAUSA), FAWCO UN Rep in New York and former Chair of the Human Rights Team. In August 2014, Gavin attended the Summer 2014 Youth Assembly at UN headquarters in New York City. He also attended the Winter 2014 Youth Assembly, and posted blogs about his experiences.

Gavin Higbie 2

Gavin Higbie, FAWCO UN Youth Rep 


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