Awesome Blossoms: Installation of Farm 2


    ISGE6697The construction of Farm 2 by Awesome Blossoms Peer Educators marked a significant milestone in their agricultural endeavors. This expansion project involved meticulous planning and execution to establish a new farming area within the premises of Our Lady of Mercy Primary School. Key highlights of the construction process include:

    1. Preparation and drilling: Peer educators began by offloading materials and preparing the site for construction. They drilled PVC pipes, essential for the hydroponic system, adhering to standard specifications.
    2. Infrastructure setup: As construction progressed, infrastructure elements such as metal stands, fencing, and perimeter nylon were installed. This ensured structural stability and delineation of the farming area.
    3. Equipment acquisition: Necessary equipment and supplies were procured, including construction metals, hose pipes, tanks, cement and fencing materials. These acquisitions facilitated the establishment of Farm 2 and supported its operational requirements.
    4. Innovative planting: Peer educators demonstrated innovation by utilizing available space efficiently. They opted to plant kunde (cowpeas) and kale, enhancing crop diversity and maximizing agricultural productivity.
    5. Completion and progress: Despite challenges such as interruptions due to school activities, construction of Farm 2 steadily progressed. The installation of metal stands, completion of fencing and procurement of additional PVC pipes and caps contributed to the project’s advancement.

    Lessons Learned

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    Flexibility and adaptability: The experience of shifting from the Musilm Primary School to Our Lady of Mercy highlights the importance of flexibility, resourcefulness, community collaboration, flexibility in planning, and persistence in pursuing our objectives despite obstacles. These lessons will inform the approach to future projects and strengthen the team’s ability to adapt to changing circumstances effectively.

    Adaptability and innovation: Challenges such as interruptions due to school activities required the peer educators to adapt their construction schedule and find innovative solutions. Their ability to adjust to unforeseen circumstances demonstrated flexibility and creativity in problem-solving.

    Resource management: The project emphasized the significance of efficient resource management. Peer educators optimized resources by utilizing available space effectively and making strategic decisions in equipment procurement and allocation.

    Teamwork and collaboration: Successful construction of Farm 2 relied on effective teamwork and collaboration among peer educators. Each member contributed their skills and expertise, fostering a supportive and cohesive working environment.

    Community engagement: The construction process provided opportunities for community engagement and collaboration. Involving stakeholders such as school authorities and local suppliers promoted community ownership and support for the project.

    Continuous improvement: Reflecting on the construction of Farm 2 allows for identifying areas for improvement. Evaluating challenges and successes enables peer educators to refine their strategies and processes for future projects, fostering continuous improvement and growth.

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