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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


FAWCO UN Reps in Leadership Roles on UN NGO Committees

We are very proud of all of the members of the UN NGO Team. Several have taken on leadership roles in the NGO Committees they are involved with in NY, Geneva and Vienna.    

FAWCO UN Rep Erica Higbie became active with the Working Group on Girls (WGG) in 2012, helping to organize the “Girls Tribunal on Violence” at the 57th Commission on the Status of Women. In August 2013, Erica became Chair of the WGG Advocacy Committee which works with permanent missions to the UN to influence government policy on issues unique to girls such as child marriage, trafficking, FGM and equal access to education. In June 2015, Erica was elected Treasurer of the NGO Committee on the Status of Women (NGO CSW) New York, and to the Executive Commitee of the UN Department of Public Information. In May 2018, Erica moved away from New York and resigned from the Board of NGO CSW NY. She remains involved with the UN Reps Team. 

Jane Politi, NGO Rep in New York, was elected Vice Chair of the NGO Committee on Migration in June 2016. 

Anne Riz, NGO Rep in Geneva, was elected Treasurer of the NGO CSW Geneva in July 2015.

Laurie Richardson, UN Liaison, was elected Chair of NGO CSW Vienna in May 2018. She previously served as Secretary of the committee. 

Sara von Moos, FAWCO's UN Liaison in 2014, served as Co-Chair of the Beijing+20 NGO Forum in Geneva in November 2014 in preparation for a Beijing+20 Regional Review by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (ECE). Sara was responsible for overseeing coordination of the Forum, which was attended by women's rights advocates and representatives of UN agencies, academic institutions and the private sector. Sara also served as Vice President of NGO CSW Geneva in 2014. 


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