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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


FAWCO calls on Congress to ratify CEDAW.

6c991b3d-bde9-49b7-9d24-8e5195a39949-444x333FAWCO joins a coalition of NGOs and other women's groups' effort to launch a vital CEDAW ratification campaign on January 3rd, the first day of the 113th Congress. It’s time to get this done! CEDAW is a landmark international agreement that affirms principles of fundamental human rights and equality for women around the world. It’s a discredit to our country that the U.S. is one of just seven countries (including South Sudan) that has yet to ratify CEDAW.  The 113th session is our chance to finally achieve ratification.

The letter will be delivered to all 100 Senators on January 3rd along with a petition that confirms constituent support for CEDAW.  FAWCO urges our members to sign the petition, and click below to read letter.
January 3, 2013
To the Honorable Members of the Unites States Senate:
On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we write to urge you to make ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) a priority for the United States Senate in the 113th session of Congress.
The record breaking number of women who will serve in the 113th Congress lends significant momentum for the United States to increase its global leadership role on women’s rights issues. Twenty female Senators will either return to or take office in the Senate—a truly historic accomplishment.
CEDAW is a landmark international agreement that affirms principles of fundamental human rights and equality for women around the world. It is a practical blueprint for each country to achieve progress for women and girls.
CEDAW is already making a difference for women and girls worldwide, specifically by strengthening civil society's efforts to persuade governments to respect women’s human rights and adopt policies to reduce sex trafficking and domestic violence, provide access to education and vocational training, ensure the right to vote, end forced and child marriages, secure inheritance rights, and ensure the right to work and own a business without discrimination.
Ratification of CEDAW would strengthen the United States’ standing as a global leader in standing up for women and girls. To date, the United States is one of only seven countries that have not yet ratified CEDAW.  It is essential that the U.S. ratify CEDAW and continue to play a leadership role in advancing women’s and girls’ rights globally.
The signatories of this letter call on the U.S. Senate to advance women’s human rights, not just for women in the United States but for all women worldwide, by ratifying this convention now.

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