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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


UN Meetings Attended by FAWCO (2009-2012)

Meetings Attended by FAWCO UN Representatives



16 January       “UN Women/UNDP/UNICEF Briefing” UN HQ  NY

18 January       “Climate Change and Agriculture”  Women’s Global Forum(WGF) Church Center, NY

19 January      “Culture of Peace: Unheard Voices “ DPI briefing UN HQ NY

30 January      “UN Women/ UNDP/UNICEF Development Middle –Income Countries “ UN HQ NY

31 January      “Commission for Social Development Panel Discussion” UN HQ  NY


12 February     “Global Report of Trafficking in Persons” UN HQ  NY

15  February    “Corporate Influence on Food Policy” WGF Church Center, NY

16 February    “Greening the Value Chain for Sustainable Development” UN HQ  NY

20 February      “Measures to ensure respect for Migrants” UN HQ  NY

27 February     “Women’s Empowerment & Poverty Eradication” CSW Church Center,   NY

28 February     “Accelerating Progress: Economic Empowerment of Rural Women” CSW UN HQ NY

                 “Rural Women of the Americas” Church Center,  NY

29 February     “US Briefing on CSW 56” US Mission, NY

                 “Lessons Learned from Joint Programs” CSW UN HQ

                 “ Smart Economics and Rural Women’s Potential” CSW UN HQ


1 March             CSW Church Center, NY

                “Violence against Women and Economic Empowerment”

                “Girls Grow: A Vital Voice in Rural Economics”

                 “Investing in Girls”

                 “Evidence and Data for Gender Equality “

2 March             "Rural Women – Poverty – Crisis Rights” CSW UN HQ , NY

2 March            “Trade Union Movements as Agents of Change” CSW Salvation Army,  NY

                 “Rural Women and the Right to Water” CSW

5  March

                 “Rural Women Climate Change and Access to Energy” CSW  UN HQ  NY

                 “UN Women on a Commitment to Action” CSW  UN HQ  NY

6 March            “Women 2012- Taking  a Worldwide Reading” Federal Reserve Bank , NY

7 March            CSW  UN HQ  NY

                “World Bank- World Development Report 2011”

                “Women as Change Makers and Peace Keepers”

                “International Women’s Day-  Empowering Rural Women”


3 April             “Prevention of Human Trafficking” UN HQ NY

4 April             “World Health Day Celebration “UN HQ  NY

               “Interactive Dialogue on Prevention of Human Trafficking”

18 April           “DPI Communications Workshop” UN HQ New York, NY

               “Gender Equality  and Post 2015 Agenda” CSW Baha’i offices  New York, NY

19 April           “Human Rights for Vulnerable People” New York , NY

               “Rural Girls, Women and Climate Change”

20  April          “Women’s Rights are Human Rights” Women’s International Forum,  NY

23 April           “World Malaria Day – WHO briefing on HIV/AIDS/Malaria” UN HQ , NY

24  April          "Promoting a Rights-based Approach to Financial Regulation” UN HQ  NY


1 May 1          “UNICEF Annual Report on Gender Equality and Work” UN HQ , NY

5 May             “DPI Media Freedom Helping to Transform Society” UN HQ  NY  

30 May           CONGO Committee on Human Rights meeting  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland


8 June            "International Women’s Day events"  UN HQ Vienna, Austria

19 June          “Human Rights Council for Newcomers”  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

25 June          Human Rights Council  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland  

                “The 2nd Cycle of UPR: What’s New”

                “Violence Against Women- Femicide”

               “Addressing Violence Against Older Women”

                “Future Challenges of the Working Group on the Right to Peace”

                “Working Group Meeting on Draft Resolution of Elimination of Discrimination Against                              women”

26 June

              “NGO CSW Interactive Dialogue with CEDAW  Expert” UN HQ  Geneva, Switzerland

              “Stop the Stoning globally”

              “International Law Briefing”

27 June          Human Rights Council,  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

              “Protecting Children during Conflict”

              “Empowering Young Women for Peace -building and Conflict Prevention “

              “Harmful Traditional Practices Against Women and Girls”


2 July               “Reproductive Health and Rights” UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland


25 September  “Opening Statements of the UN General Assembly” UN HQ  NY

                   “ECOSOC- Women and Disarmament” UN HQ New York, NY

26 September   “UN Women Seeking Justice “ UN HQ New York, NY


2 October         “ECOSOC International Day of Non-Violence Discussion” UN HQ NY

4 October         “DPI- May I Ask a Question of the Secretary General?” UN HQ  NY


15 November  “Forced Marriages”  CSW Church Center, New York, NY

                “Human Rights and Indigenous Children” DPI  Church Center New York, NY

29 November   “Climate and Poverty” DPI  Salvation Army, New York, NY


5  December   “Sustainable Food Policy” WGF Church Center New York, NY

20 December “Trafficking of Women and Girls” CSW  Church Center, New York, NY



8 February            “Women, Disarmament , Arms Control and Non-Proliferation” UN HQ Geneva,                                                    Switzerland


7 March                “Celebrating Women’s Rights"  International Women’s Day –  UN HQ Geneva,                                                   Switzerland

8 March                “Investing in Women”  International Women’s Day -  UN HQ  NY

8 March                “Time to Celebrate? Achievements and Prospects” International Women’s Day –  UN HQ                                 Vienna, Austria


3 -5 September    “Sustainable Societies” UN DPI Conference Bonn, Germany

26 September       “Right to Water “ High Level Panel – sponsored by FAWCO 

                                 Human Rights Council 18th Session  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland


24 October            UN DAY   UN HQ  NY

                               “Situation of Human Rights Defenders”

                     “Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children”


16 November       “Recent Developments on the Right to Food” UN HQ New York


7  December        “International Human Rights Day – Remarks by Hillary Clinton” UN HQ Geneva,                                                Switzerland



27-28 February              “Beijing + 15” Global Women’s Forum UN  HQ , NY


9 July                                "Summit for Youth for Human Rights", UN HQ Geneva, Switz.


30  August                      UN NGO DPI Conference “Advance Global Health- Achieve the MDG’s”                                                              Melbourne,   Australia


13 September              15th Human Rights Council Session UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

                            “Opening Session with Ms Pillay, of the Office of the High Commissioner of Human                                      Rights”

                              “Thematic Report on Water and Sanitation”

                               “Human Rights and Extreme Poverty”

                               “Elimination of Discrimination against Women”

20 September               “UN Millennium Goals Summit” UN HQ , NY


10 December               “Human Rights Day Celebration”  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland



8  March                   “International Women’s Day” celebration  UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

12  March                 “International Year for Biodiversity”  UN HQ , NY

                                    “Stop the Trafficking- Cheri Blair ” UN HQ , NY


17 April                  “Meet Wangari Maathai- Leader of Green Belt Movement”   World Affairs Council,                                              Houston, Texas


7 May                     “Children and Armed Conflict” UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland


6  July                    “Discussion with Director of ECOSOC High Level Segment”  UN HQ Geneva,                                                      Switzerland


21 September        “Disarmament – Celebration of International Peace Day” UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland


9 December          “Courage to Lead ” – Global Women’s Summit UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

10 December        “Lifetime Achievement Award- Hillary Clinton” UN HQ Geneva, Switzerland

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