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Tharien van Eck
Target Program Chair
AWC Antwerp

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Martha Canning
Target Health Education Chair
AWC Amsterdam


FAWCO's Concern for the Lack of Funding for UNFPA

Lack of Funding for UN FPA


The Federation of American Women's Clubs Overseas, an NGO with consultative status to ECOSOC, and with 17,000 members in 33 countries, sincerely regrets the decision of the U.S. Administration to withhold the U.S. Congress approved funding for the United Nations Population Fund. FAWCO, as an organization concerned with education, the environment, human rights and the rights of women and children in particular, is obliged to disagree with the decision to withhold funds destined to help improve the health and survival rates of women and children worldwide.

We are concerned that with an under funded UNFPA, very often the only international provider of reproductive education and health in many developing countries, many women will be denied the right to family planning and lifesaving programs, and denied the ability to become vital and respected members of their community. Research has shown us that in societies where women and girls are not valued, AIDS is spreading rapidly; therefore, a well-funded UNFPA would benefit women and children in the worldwide fight against AIDS.

FAWCO calls upon the U.S. Administration to honor the rights and dignity of women and children by supporting life-saving programs sponsored by the United Nations Population Fund, and commit to the future and health of millions of women and children.

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