US Citizenship


The Trump Executive Order and its Effects on Immigration

Only addressing if the President was within the power of his office to issue this order, the Supreme Court upheld the travel ban which targeted passport holders from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. In the Executive Order signed on Friday, 27 January, 2017, US borders were closed to those carrying passports from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan,


Attention All Grandparents

Expeditious naturalization, the so-called "grandparent clause" - If you want to confer US citizenship on your grandchildren, please refer to the following.

What is expeditious naturalization? It is a way provided by Section 322 of the INA (Immigration and Naturalization Act) for a grandchild born abroad of a U.S. citizen parent to become a naturalized U.S. citizen through a living grandparent or...


Need extra passport pages? Please read...

Is Your U.S. Passport Full of Stamps? You need a new passport.

Prior to 31 December 2015, it was possible to add more pages to your passport, if it was still valid. This is no longer true. You must apply for a new passport. Application procedures and fees vary according to age, whether you are inside or outside the U.S.

Don't miss that holiday flight!

Travel is becoming more and more complicated with new procedures being introduced in irregular fashion around the world.  The following article tells why you need to plan on more time than ever if you are going to make your international flight to the US!


Help from the Social Security Administration

It's not always easy to be an American living overseas!

Complications may arise when you want to contact the Social Security Administration for help in obtaining a Social Security number, creating or managing a personal Social Security account, changing your information on file with the SSA, etc.

Two of the most common questions we receive about Social Security are how...

Update on US travel ban – October 2017

 (From the University of Queensland Student website)

The White House has updated its travel ban for nationals of certain countries, with some changes. Certain citizens from Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen will be banned from entering the United States as of 18 October 2017.  Iraq and the Sudan have been removed from the list. Unlike...

Just so you know.... (Social Security information)

The following information comes to us from the Federal Benefits Unit London but pertains to beneficiaries in a number of countries without and outside of Europe:

If you have questions about Social Security – applications, benefits, etc. and live in the Benelux area, you must as of 1 October 2017, contact Dublin (Ireland) for these services. The Federal Benefits Unit...

Citizenship Update - 2015

The following is a summary of the Citizenship Update presented at the Rome Conference held in March 2015; in case there are questions/comments, please contact me at

The overlap of tax issues and citizenship issues is greater than ever before. The short answer is to become compliant with FBARs (at least the past six years) and other...

FATCA Fallout

Dual citizens of the Gulf States (or countries where dual citizenship is not recognized) should be aware of the following  potential problems due to the enactment of the FATCA provisions.  Some of the Gulf States may rescind the nationality of its citizens and this adds further complications to these individuals. Read more in this article by Virginia La Torre Jeker, J.D., a US...

Consular Processing Fees Change

Consular Processing Fees Change on 6 September 2014

Consular processing fees are changing as of 6 September 2014! The greatest increase (there are a few fees that are being lowered) is the fee for applications for the Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship. The current fee is $450 but as of 6 September the fee skyrockets to $2350 (!), a 422% increase.
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