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Register to vote from overseas -  through FAWCO!

In a year of electoral "firsts", FAWCO is proud to announce yet another: branded overseas and military voter services accessed directly from the FAWCO home page. 

As a member of the Alliance Program of Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF), FAWCO now joins a select group of forward-thinking states that offer high-powered overseas and military voter services that include automated registration and ballot request services...

The FAWCO Voter Services site has been customized as our own FAWCO service. 

On the FAWCO Military and Overseas Voter Services page , you and voters that you refer to our site can:

  • directly and easily request your ballot, getting step-by-step guidance as you fill out your request, then download, print, sign and mail it to the address provided;
  • be assured of security  -- the site runs as an https:// totally secure site (128/256 bit Secure Socket Layer [SSL] encryption technology), the technology used by all major bank and credit card companies to ensure privacy while doing business over the Internet;
  • easily access contact details for your local election official;
  • access a FAWCO Voter Help Desk

Our policy on personal and confidential data handling mirrors that of OVF - forms are generated on demand only, they are not kept by the system.  You can save your data in a convenient Voter Account for easy access to reprint your Registration Form or a Write-in Ballot, but confidential ID information and birthdate information are not stored and must be re-entered to reprint forms.

FAWCO will be able to generate valuable aggregate marketing statistics based on the voters registering on our site.  This includes only non-confidential information (i.e. no addresses, etc.) - aggregated for reporting purposes only.  For example, we will be able to report on the number of voters/country that have registered through FAWCO and how many have registered in each state + their age ranges and a number of other demographics concerning the overseas voters we are reaching.

This information will be of tremendous help when FAWCO representatives go to Washington to discuss voting from overseas.  We will have a snapshot of the overseas voting population with which we are in communication..  It will be added to OVF's total statistics on overseas voters but will be of special interest to us because this is the segment of that population with which FAWCO is in contact.

This is the first time that an organization like FAWCO has offered a service like this - voter registration and ballot request personalized for its members.

We not only thank Overseas Vote Foundation for their help in setting this up but truly encourage you to use this totally non-partisan, "overseas-oriented" service yourselves; inform your friends, family and colleagues and encourage them to use it; and pass on the information to others in your community.  Not only will you have the satisfaction of contributing to a very important "corner of the snapshot", but you can help, in this exciting election year, in directly assisting a significant percentage of overseas voters right from our FAWCO "webhouse".

For more information, contact Voting from Overseas or US Liaison

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