Remind your club (and any other organizations, groups or individuals you can reach by electronic means) that American citizens aged 18 or more by election day can vote in any federal election (and it does not affect their tax status). Voters can fill out the application form online, using the FAWCO registration wizard. The voter chooses the state and the wizard prompts him/her through the rest of the Federal Post Card Application (FCPA) and tells where and how to send it in. Get this info (and the info below) into your club newsletter and post a link to FAWCO on your club web site.
Remind voters to follow up by checking their registration status online, to be sure they can participate, and to contact their local election officials, using the FAWCO directory, if there are problems.
Tell voters that they can get information on candidates and issues from the League of Women Voters, Democrats Abroad,
Republicans Abroad and American newspapers, many of which are online, and web sites. A new web site, Politifact, says it checks the truth of claims by and attacks on candidates – in addition to reliable standby .
Remind voters that, when their ballots arrive, voters must fill them out and return them in good time. Unfortunately, the biggest reason for failing to vote is the failure of ballots to arrive in a timely fashion. For the 2008 election, if voters have not received their ballots by 4 October 2008, they should fill out a Federal Write-in Ballot (FWAB). FAWCO has a FWAB wizard that will prompt them through the form (go to home page and click on Federal Absentee Write-in Ballot).