
(Some of the Amazing) Women Who Changed American Politics

by Adrianne George Lind, AWC Gothenberg, AWC Malmö, AWC Stockholm


As Americans around the world prepare to go to the polls in person or via absentee ballot to elect the President of the United States in November, it is impossible to ignore the role women have played in American politics. Some names you must surely know, while others may...


High Level Panel on Beijing+25 at HRC 43rd Session

In Geneva on February 25, 2020, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet made the following statement (excerpted):

"The adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was a comprehensive expression of States’ commitments to the human rights of women and girls. One hundred and eighty nine countries pledged to achieve gender equality, in practice and in law, so that...

The Day I Found Out I Was White

by Peter W. Pruyn


From 1992–1994, I was a US Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of the Seychelles. The Seychelles had no indigenous peoples. It was first settled by the French as a colony for slaves and freed slaves. It was then ceded to the English when Napoleon lost. Because it is along the trade routes to Asia,


Sophie Scholl and Women's History Month

by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin


Sophie SchollSophie Scholl and her brother Hans (right)March is Women’s History Month in the United States. We celebrate the achievements and contributions of women throughout history ‒ and not just the notables who you can already name off the top of your head.

Here in Germany, we celebrate the bravery of a young woman who was...


CSW64 / Beijing +25 Commission on the Status of Women

by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin


B25Generation Equality campaign logo web enThe UN's 64th Commission on the Status of Women, marking the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action CSW64 / Beijing+25 (2020) is taking place at the United Nations in New York City on March 9-20, 2020.  FAWCO will be represented by a delegation from around the world and looking to learn more...


UN Human Rights Council 43rd Session Meets February 24–March 17

by Karen Castellon, AWC Berlin


UN Geneva Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations RoomUN Geneva Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations RoomThe 43rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council opens on Monday, February 24, 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. The Council’s main page provides an overview of the next four weeks of meetings. The kickoff on Monday is the “High Level Segment,” in which key representatives...

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