
Education Roundup: June 2023

by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA & AIWC Cologne

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As your Education Team wraps up its focus on Global Citizenship, schools are on break and the Northern Hemisphere has all summer in front of it. Check out a few quick takes from around the world AND close to home in education. We wish you a restful break and look forward to reconnecting...

The Radical Notion Behind UN SDG 4 – FAWCO Education Team Op-Ed

by Michelle Miller, AIWC Cologne 


As part of its special consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, FAWCO supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Of particular relevance to this op-ed, the FAWCO Education Committee focuses its efforts on SDG 4, to “[e]nsure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”  

diversity inclusion education 2023 JuneAt first...


Banned Books? Not in the AWCZ Library

by Karyn Wynn, AWC Zürich


Throughout history, books have been banned or burned when they challenge power, mores or social conventions. Ovid’s works were banned by Julius Caesar. Countless books were banned or burned during the Middle Ages by the powerful religious forces. In the last century, images of Nazi book burnings symbolize a past of authoritarian control. And...


Poem: Hiding in Plain Sight

by Mary Adams, AWC The Hague

 library collage


When the first books were banned,

they didn’t disappear.

The words flew up into the sky and

twirled and swirled in the wind.

They landed in lumps and bumps.


the words began to whisper their stories.


the wonder and wander came together and

the pages regenerated and integrated.

They built...


Book Review: Ban this Book

by Rebekka Klingshirn, Heidelberg IWC


Ban this Book, by Alan Gratz, is a story about empowerment and coming of age through education. When protagonist Amy Anne finds out that her favorite book (as well as several others) has been banned from her elementary school library, she starts finding her voice. Devastated that it has been taken off the shelf, Amy...


Education Roundup: May 2023

by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA and AIWC Cologne


There is much to take note of as the Education Team turns its focus to Global Citizenship this month. Read on and follow the links to see what’s new! 

  • love to learn icon ed team feb22 resThe banning of books continues to be on the rise in the United States, with most of the targeted books being by or...

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