
Book Review: Pipe Dreams by Chelsea Wald

by Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland


Pipe Dreams coverIn Pipe Dreams: The Urgent Global Quest to Transform the Toilet, author Chelsea Wald (a member of AWC The Hague) gives us an entertaining and well-researched exploration of sanitation, pee and poop. She is passionate about her subject, and it shows in her book. She takes us through history, from at least the Romans to...


Education Roundup: January 2023

compiled by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA/AIWC Cologne


Happy New Year! 2023 offers hope in the face of many challenges. Click on the links below to learn more!


**TheirWorld began 2023 by outlining the priorities of their five-year plan: placing a massive investment in Global Youth Ambassadors and doubling the size of their investment in local education innovators and entrepreneurs to help...


The Gutenberg Project

by Jonelle Lemcke, AWC Denmark


Gutenberg booksThe first major, independent purchase in my life was a set of books. The Great Books of the Western World, issued by Encyclopedia Britannica, was irresistible! Although it was expensive, my parents supported me in the purchase and had to approve my contract. Still in high school, I had a part-time job in one...


Book Review of Hands Around the Library: Protecting Egypt’s Treasured Books

By Nancy Lynner, AWC Central Scotland


Hands Around the Library: Protecting Egypt’s Treasured Books by Susan L. Roth and Karen L. Abouraya, Dial Books for Young Readers, published by The Penguin Group, 2012

Hands Around the LibraryAs democratic institutions across the globe face existential issues, it’s good to have children’s books with “CAN DO” messages of people taking a stand in support...


2022 Charitable Giving and Gifts for the Holidays with an Education Twist

List curated by the Education Team

Searching for a unique way to express your love or appreciation for someone special this holiday season? Look no further than the list below, which highlights charities and books that focus on equal access to literacy and education in a variety of contexts around the world. From our homes to yours, the Education Team...


And More Libraries!

compiled by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA/AIWC Cologne


Library interiorThe Education Team will never tire of sharing library stories from fellow FAWCO members! Libraries can offer a sense of magic, a sense of community, a sense of hope, a sense of belonging and a sense of being connected to worlds near and far. Read on for two stories that embody these senses!

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