
Safe Spaces and Auto Mechanics

By Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland, with contributions from Leslie Janoe, AWC Amsterdam


Ed auto mechanics 1In previous articles, the Education Team has focused on the connection between Awesome Blossoms (AB) and the Education targets of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). In this article, we will focus on another program of Safe Spaces Organisation (SSO) and its connection to SDG4; AB is...


Notes From the Field: I am the Change

by Leslie Janoe, AWC Amsterdam (from material shared by Peninah Musyimi, Director of Safe Spaces)


Just how important has the auto mechanics training program at Safe Spaces been? Find out in the words of Stacy, a program participant:

My name is Stacy. I am 22 years old. I live with my diabetic mum in Mathare. I have three siblings. I...


Top Eight Cyber Crime Trends You Should Prepare for in 2025

by Adrianne Lind, AWC Gothenburg & AIC Malmo


ed adrianne lindThe internet was great until people messed it up

Who doesn’t know someone who has fallen victim to a cybercrime? Perhaps it was an elderly parent, a computer-savvy baby boomer friend, a naive teen child, or even you? I know someone who got confused while being scammed because somehow their bank was...

The Insidious Rise of Book Banning: Facts, Figures and Taking Action

By Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA and AIWC Cologne


“Banning and burning of books is the symbol of tyranny’s fear of the power of the free mind.” – Franz Boas, anthropologist

Book banning in the United States (US) is nothing new. The first book on record to be banned dates back to 1637 when Thomas Morton published New English Canaan and had...


Book review: The Offing by Benjamin Myers

by Mary Adams, AWC The Hague


…..a good poem shucks the oyster shell of one’s mind to reveal the pearl within.

Contrary to my original belief, The Offing is not a thriller assassin novel. No one gets “offed!” The offing means “the distant stretch of sea where sky and water merge.” The novel is set in the summer of 1946 in...


2024 Charitable Giving and Gifts for the Holidays

Curated by the Education Team


Ed gift givingSearching for a unique way to express your love or appreciation for someone special this holiday season? Look no further than the list below, which highlights charities and books that focus on equal access to literacy and education in a variety of contexts around the world. From our homes to yours, the Education Team...

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