
Book Review: Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools

by Hollie Nielsen, AWCC Scotland

Ed Team Book Review February 2022Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools provides interesting but troubling reading. Author Monique W. Morris describes, often in narratives that individualize the problem, how Black girls’ behavior in middle and high schools is crimininalized, pushing the girls out of school. This pushing out makes it difficult for the girls to obtain the quality education...


Book Review: Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents

Reviewed by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA & AIWC Cologne

Caste Book cover Ed Team Jan 22With Martin Luther King, Jr. Day just celebrated and Black History Month upon us in the US, it seems an appropriate time to dig deeper into the history of African Americans. Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson is a masterpiece of research into past and present realities, yet easily accessible.


SDG 4 & African American Girls’ Educational Experiences in the US: An Intersection

by Carol-Lyn McKelvey, FAUSA & AIWC Cologne

Typically, the Education Team focuses its energies on shining a spotlight on efforts, concerns and victories in underserved communities outside of the United States. However, with so much attention recently on the Black Lives Matter movement, the confusion over critical race theory, the disenfranchisement of Black voters through redistricting and restrictive voting practices...


2021 Charitable Giving and Gifts for the Holidays with an Education Twist

List curated by the Education Team

Searching for a unique way to express your love or appreciation for someone special this holiday season? Look no further than the list below, which highlights not only The FAWCO Foundation and books by FAWCO members, but also other education-related giving opportunities from around the world. From our homes to yours, the Education Team...


Countering Covid: #EducationOnHold (SDG Target 4.5)

by Devinder Buttar, AWC London

Boy against wall ed picWith the rising COVID-19 infection rates, countries have to again make a difficult choice between keeping schools open or enforcing a complete shutdown of schools and continuing with some form of remote learning. A far more difficult choice faced by many countries is to close schools again with the knowledge that millions of children will not...


Book Review: What is a Perfect World?

by Hollie Nielsen, AWC Central Scotland

This month the Education Team recommends reading What is a Perfect World?, a book written by Nancy Lynner (AWC Central Scotland), illustrated by Tharien van Eck (AWC Antwerp), designed by Joyce Halsan (AWC Central Scotland) and produced by Amanda Drollinger (AWC Central Scotland). This fun book allows readers to discuss eleven different world issues with young children and highlights the important work the children can...

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